Filtering by: Massage

10/14/22 Hot Stone CE - 10:00AM
10:00 AM10:00

10/14/22 Hot Stone CE - 10:00AM

Hot Stone - CE

Cheryl Hicks

$122 - 6 CE Hours

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This class will give you the knowledge and skill you need to confidently give a stone massage; from the selection and the care of, and how to properly hold and manipulate massage stones. 

You will leave with an understanding of the principles of Thermotherapy; the benefits and how the body is affected by the temperature of the stone.

Protocols will be shared for performing a 60 minute hot stone massage. 

There will be a 1 hour break

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9/23/22 Hand & Forearm CE - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM14:00

9/23/22 Hand & Forearm CE - 2:00 PM

Release Techniques for the Hand & Forearm - 2:00 PM

Cheryl Hicks

$122 6 CE Hours

2:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Learning Objectives 

  • Review of the bone and muscle structures of the hand and forearm. 

  • Discuss common pathologies of the hand and forearm. 

  • Muscle release techniques will be demonstrated and practiced for the anterior hand and forearm. 

  • Guidance will be given on maintaining  proper body mechanics 

  •  Muscle release techniques will be demonstrated and practiced for the posterior hand and forearm. 

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9/8/22 Head & Neck CE - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM14:00

9/8/22 Head & Neck CE - 2:00 PM

Release Techniques for the Head & Neck - 2:00 PM

Cheryl Hicks

$122 6 CE Hours

2:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Learning objectives:

· Review of the bone and muscle structures of the head and neck

· Discuss common pathologies of the head and neck

· Exploring the esoteric meanings of the head and neck

· Muscle release techniques will be demonstrated and practiced for the head and neck

· Guidance will be given on maintaining proper body mechanics

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Release Techniques for the Illiopsoas Muscle Group - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM17:00

Release Techniques for the Illiopsoas Muscle Group - 5:00 PM

Cheryl Hicks

$81 4 CE Hours

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Students will be able to explain where the iliopsoas originates, where attachments are located, as well as their action and contraindications for iliopsoas work.

Students will understand the esoteric energetics of the iliopsoas muscle group.

Students will feel confident and be able to demonstrate two different techniques in which to release a hypertonic iliopsoas condition.

Students will be able to demonstrate two ways to comfortably drape breast tissue to access the abdomen.

Each class is limited to 10 students.

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