Deanna Nikaido
Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner
Deanna believes the visual, literary and healing arts are all listening processes that help spark the body’s ability to express and heal itself by guiding us inside the body’s story into the stillness we are made of. Jin Shin Jyutsu is one of many gentle ears that help us unravel what is being said.
Due to the accumulation of daily stress we become dis-harmonized both in recognizable symptoms and along the less noticeable energetic pathways of the body. Her work as listener is to assist her clients through light touch in restoring balance to these pathways so they relax and the breath is able to flow with greater harmony.
She is a Jin Shin Jyutsu co-organizer for workshops in the Maryland/Washington DC area; is a published poet and children’s book author; and holds a degree in Illustration from Art Center College of Design.
1 hr: $90
3 sessions: $250
Contact Deanna:
phone: 410.908.2135