The mixture of quartz, metal and resin in an orgonite tool works naturally to draw in and cleanse orgone energy without any prompting from you. Merely placing it within an area with questionable energy will help to improve the conditions.
What is Orgonite & how do I work with it?
Here are just a few ways to use your Orgonite for healing:
Wearing (jewelry) or holding orgonite while meditating will help connect your aura with the energy of the universe. Holding your diamond, cube, pyramid or triangle can help deepen your meditation. (I’m holding my Diamond)
Placing the orgonite in a room, your office or place where you spend the most time can offer transference of energy from a negative space to a positive one.
Placing the orgonite above your headboard or on your night stand while setting restful intentions could aid in peaceful sleep.
A piece of orgonite in the refrigerator will increase the vibration and positive benefits of some foods.
While working with a computer, place a small piece of orgonite on the desk or under the chair to remove any harmful radiation that can affect your aura.
Learn more by taking this interactive, informative and fun workshop!
Workshop Details:
Sip tea and fruit infused water at the wellness bar
Full product construction at each workshop
Instructional, Informative, and a ton of FUN!
Leave fully equipped to create your own unique Orgonite Meditation PEACE
Take Home Kit Includes:
1 - Orgonite Clearing Device
1 - Ingredient information and instructional sheet
1 - Pocket Crystal with details on how to charge, set intentions and utilize
Workshop Investment $79
Class Date: Saturday November 12th. 12pm - 2pm
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