Jennifer Hewat and Genevieve DiGiovanni
Second Tuesdays of the month
Learn to use FasterEFT (a highly effective form of Tapping) to...
• Find and disarm your favorite stress-triggers
• Surface and change the subconscious messages that sap your vitality
• Root out the inner sources of persistent body issues
• Reduce irritants, enhance joy
Practical. The emphasis is on practicing the skills so you can use them at home .Open to all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners. Live demonstrations allow everyone to receive benefit whatever their length of experience.
How to join...
• Email, call or text
Jennifer Hewat at or call/text 410.274.6376
Genevieve DiGiovanni at or call/text 410.322.6771
• Sign up in person at an event • Show up on the night
We look forward to having you join us!